Looking for tutor **free exam e-learning papers** sms/call mr alson 97220765 - Bukit Batok

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Item details

Urban area: Bukit Batok, West Region
Offer type: Offer


Contact name Alson Kong

Item description

Would you like to improve your children's grades in their subjects?

We have part-time tutors and full-time teacher for every level from Primary School to Junior College. If you are keen on learning languages, sports, computer courses or music, we do provide these lessons too. We provide over 138 courses and we have a database of over 15000 tutors and we will cater to your needs and requirements.

The benefits of getting a tutor from us:
-FREE Unlimited Access to E-Learning online services comprises of over 8000 different Exam papers from TOP Schools in Singapore. Usual Price is $49.90/month
-Enrichment: languages, sports, dance, music and computer courses etc. up to 138 courses
-Managed by experience Tuition Company who has been in this line for the past 20 years.
-You will get an official receipt
-Certified & Validated Tutors
-Get up to 20% discount for EPB assessment books
-Accumulate points for every dollar you spent and redeem it with a shopping voucher

Simply state your requirements in your request and we will start searching for your ideal tutor to match your child’s need, schedule, and location

Planning your tuition fees budget. The tuition fee will be agreed by you before the commencement of the tuition

Value Add: Free access to online eLearning portal with unlimited prestigious school’s examination papers

SMS/WhatsApp Mr. Alson @ 97220765 or email to alsonkong1996@gmail.com if you want to find a tutor or have any enquiries.